Special Needs Alliance Articles from The Voice

The Voice is the e-mail newsletter written monthly by members of The Special Needs Alliance, a national organization of attorneys whose practice focuses on planning for individuals with disabilities and their families. William King Self, Jr., a member of The Special Needs Alliance, has selected the following articles that he believes will be of special interest to his clients.

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Elderlaw Memphis, PLC

Racquet Club Plaza
5170 Sanderlin Avenue
Suite 201
Memphis, TN 38117

William King Self, CELA

Phone: 901-603-8730
Fax: 901-329-3683


These materials are intended strictly as educational information about elder law subjects and should not be construed as legal advice. Each person's situation is unique and requires specific evaluation before advice can be given. Contact us or another reputable and competent elder law or special needs planning attorney regarding your own needs.