
We invite you to schedule an elder law or special needs planning appointment.

William King Self, CELA

Certified Elder Law Attorney
Office: 901-603-8730
Direct: 901-340-3911

Elderlaw Memphis, PLC

Racquet Club Plaza
5170 Sanderlin Ave., Ste. 201
Memphis, TN 38117

Phone: 901-603-8730
Fax: 901-329-3683

Exterior of Elderlaw Memphis Offices 5170 Sanderlin


Legal advice is given only in personal conferences which are strictly confidential. We ask that all clients, before the first meeting, fill out a questionnaire to help review and organize their thoughts and information and so that we may better evaluate their needs.

In addition to the questionnaire, new clients should also bring copies of all planning documents they may now have.


  • powers of attorney
  • wills
  • trusts
  • health care advance directives


Please complete the applicable Estate and Special Needs Planning form(s) before our first personal conference.

Elderlaw Memphis, PLC

Racquet Club Plaza
5170 Sanderlin Avenue
Suite 201
Memphis, TN 38117

William King Self, CELA

Phone: 901-603-8730
Fax: 901-329-3683


These materials are intended strictly as educational information about elder law subjects and should not be construed as legal advice. Each person's situation is unique and requires specific evaluation before advice can be given. Contact us or another reputable and competent elder law or special needs planning attorney regarding your own needs.